Friday, March 16, 2012

Fanfiction: "I'm Here" - Pokemon Platinum

(Hey, guys! ^^ I wrote this fanfic a while back after I first started playing Pokemon Platinum. The player character and rival's names are replaced with the ones I used in-game, so that's why their names aren't Dawn and Barry. This story certainly isn't my best work, but it's rather dear to me nonetheless. Enjoy the female player x male player fluffiness! :3)

Xandra was absolutely torn. In more ways than one.

The thirteen-year-old Pokemon Trainer was so overcome with conflicting emotions that it clouded her thinking as she made her way down the quiet hilly path to the Valor Lakefront from Sandgem Town. She had been eager to get out of Sandgem, not even stopping to chat with her best friend Hileriarai. Her Piplup, Bubbles, and baby Riolu, Ever, cheerfully skipped along beside her as Stella the Staravia flew overhead. It soothed Xandra a little to know that there were at least a few living beings in the world who were happy with life, unlike her.

At last she and her Pokemon reached Lake Valor. She sat down near the shore of the lake, wrapping her arms around her knees and looking out over the water. It was late afternoon, and the sun was much lower in the sky than when she had started out. Almost sunset, she thought. She had always liked coming to the lake this time of day whenever she had wanted to get away and just think for awhile. And she certainly had a lot to think about at this moment in time.

Why does this have to be so hard? When I started out on my journey, all I thought I had to do was to meet new Pokemon, battle Trainers, get stronger, defeat Gym Leaders, challenge the Elite Four, and maybe become Champion. It sounds so simple...but I guess I didn't really factor boy trouble into the mix.

She laughed weakly at the irony. She had started out from Twinleaf Town and gotten her first Pokemon with a boy, after all; it should have been the first thing to expect. Her thoughts drifted to that same over-energetic boy: Dalton, her childhood friend and current rival.

But then the image in her mind shifted to someone else: the blue-haired, dusky-eyed Trainer that had helped her out of so many binds over the course of her travels.


The sun was even lower in the sky now, and was beginning to dye the once blue veil that covered the Pokemon World brilliant orange and pink.

Why is it so hard to choose...?!

Bubbles, Ever, and Stella chased each other up and down the shore of the lake.

Xandra thought of Dalton. I mean, Dalton and I have been friends since we were little, and he knows me so well...

She thought of Lucas. But Lucas...he's helped me through so much...he's always been there for me.

Memories came rushing back to her.

"So, what of it?" Mars sneered. "Are you some lovey-dovey couple to the rescue?"

"Come on, Xandra, let's take 'em out!" Lucas said.

"Right!" Xandra agreed, fiercely determined.

"Oh, Xandra, wait up!" Lucas cried as he ran up to the blue-haired girl. He handed her five Poke` Balls. "Here. I want you to have these. Now you can start catching Pokemon right away!"

"Thank you, Lucas," Xandra smiled, Bubbles jumping into her arms.

"Hey, Xandra?" Lucas asked. "Is it maybe your birthday today?"

"Gee, I'm not sure," Xandra replied cheerfully. "It might be!"

"I thought so! Congratulations, Xandra! You know, I'm glad we're friends!"

Xandra felt tears sting her eyes, though she wasn't exactly sure which of the flashbacks were causing them. Perhaps it was just the overall emotional overload she was feeling right now. She wanted someone to think of her as more than a friend...she just didn't know who!

A sudden flash of red light appeared as her Espeon, Psilight, came out of its Poke` Ball of its own accord, having felt its Trainer's mental distress.

"Es?" the Espeon asked, looking up into Xandra's blue eyes with its light purple ones.

"Oh, Psilight!" Xandra sobbed, letting her tears go. "I don't know what I should do!" She buried her head into her knees and continued crying her heart out."I'm so confused..."

Psilight rubbed up against Xandra's side, trying to soothe the weeping girl. Bubbles and Ever had now abandoned their game of tag to join Psilight in attempting to comfort their Trainer. Very soon, Sparky, Xandra's Luxio, was woken from its evening nap in its Poke` Ball and also came out to see what all the commotion was.

Eventually, the four Pokemon managed to console Xandra a little, enough to reduce her heartbroken sobs to quiet hiccuping sighs. For a while, all was quiet.

Until the company of five heard approaching footsteps. The footsteps of a person that Xandra was longing and dreading to see.

"Xandra!" Lucas exclaimed as he burst through the trees to the lakefront. "I thought I'd find you here."

For a moment, Xandra couldn't say anything for fear that she would start crying again.

"Xandra? You okay?" Lucas' voice had taken on a much more concerned tone. Xandra heard him come up behind her.

"W-why are you here?" she whispered shakily.

"Hileriarai and I saw you back in Sandgem Town, but didn't get to talk to you. You seemed upset about something...I was worried. I wanted to make sure that you were alright..."

He followed me all the way from Sandgem town...because he was worried about me?

Xandra wasn't sure if this was enough to go by...

She felt Lucas place his hand on her shoulder, saying nothing.

Oh my...I really, really want to hold his hand...even if just for a second...

She didn't know where the thought came from, but suddenly, she thought of Dalton. A pang of guilt hit her--almost hard enough to cause physical pain. And definitely enough to get her tears flowing again.

Lucas noticed. He pulled Xandra up onto her feet, wrapping his arms around her waist in a gentle embrace. Xandra pressed her face into Lucas' shoulder, sobbing quietly.

"Shhh," Lucas attempted to comfort her, rubbing his hand up and down her back. "It's okay...I'm here..."

Bubbles, Ever, Stella, Psilight, and Sparky all stood to the side, watching the scene silently.

If before wasn't enough for Xandra to go by, then this was. Being with filled her with a sense of completion, fulfillment...something that she could never have felt with Dalton.

As Xandra's tears subsided, Lucas looked into her eyes for a minute, then softly kissed her forehead.When he pulled back, Xandra flung her arms around him.

I am definitely not confused anymore.

"Thank you, Lucas," she whispered.

"For what?"


The sun had almost vanished beyond the horizon, turning the sky from orange to deep purple and blue. But it didn’t feel like nightfall for Xandra and Lucas.

It was more like sunrise for them.

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