Thursday, March 15, 2012

Daily Happenings: Aki and Ren's Plan for World Domination >:3

It started with a simple conversation between Ren and I in Biology II, and it's evolved into a full-fledged plan for an absolute dictatorship - um, I mean, utopian society! ;D

Here's how we plan to take over the world:

  1. We'll build a mini-city right in the middle of one of the cowfields where we live in the middle of nowhere. It's going to be TOTALLY high tech with a protective dome around it - think The Capitol meets Crystal Tokyo. Once it's built by means we're still pondering, we'll get people to relocate there by brainwashing - I mean advertising ;D
  2. As we grow in citizens, we'll slowly expand the city's borders until it engulfs the ENTIRE United States! Using my Pokemon HeartGold team and her Pokemon Sapphire team - which we will bring to life with Ren's cloning card technology - we will battle Congress into submission with our adorable Pokemanz >:3
  3. Eventually, the world leaders will become terrified of our overwhelming power and surrender to our awesomeness. No questions asked! Easy enough, ne? ^^
  4. We'll leave Japan mostly intact...we'll just raid the manga stores and kidnap the voice actors first >:D
Once the globe is under the control of us two otaku teenagers, we will rule as absolute dictators of our utopia with an advisory cabinet of the rest of our high school anime club. And instead of allowing the foolish capitalist activity of SELLING food, every day at high noon, the sky shall rain...


Yes, RAMEN. And I'm talking about the authentic stuff, not the twenty cent instant junk with no nutritional value ;) It will be like manna from Heaven! Only it's Japanese noodles, not bread wafery stuff, the Heaven is a high-tech ramen-producing superdome, and WE'RE the gods! >:D

Thus, the name of our new world order is THE HOLY RAMEN EMPIRE!

Yep, I totally stole your title there, Holy Rome. Sorry >:3

In other news, Hetalia FTW! Enjoy the pic of Holy Rome's epic failure ^^

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