Thursday, March 29, 2012

Original Fiction: "Faydragon"

Pale fingers gripped the silver hilt of the sword sheathed at her waist, head held high and black eyes staring unafraid into the entrance of the labyrinth before her.

“Kilian of the Noble House of Chandestroy,” a voice from the palace wall above roared, belonging to the captain of the Royal Guard, “and Teryn of the Noble House of Iladrin! You have been chosen as the final candidates to compete for the title of Dragon Rider!”

She gave a proud toss of her thick onyx black braid and snorted. Why did they not simply give her the title and save Kilian the embarrassment of defeat? Hm. On second thought, she would rather that her rival was shown his place – perhaps it would stomp his ego down to the proper size.

“The challenges you must overcome to prove yourselves to your potential partner will be great,” the captain continued so loudly that Teryn was almost certain he could be heard across the entire capital, “but your reward will far outweigh any danger and obstacle you will strike down! Honor! Eternal glory! Power beyond your wildest dreams! And of course, the great privilege of serving this great land of Raikera as an elite warrior!”

Teryn already knew all of this – she had spent her entire life training for this moment, and so had that son-of-a-shrew Kilian. Her free hand twitched at her side and her other tightened around her sword-hilt. She was itching to go charging into this challenge and slash down a few things; preferably the teenage boy she knew was situated at the opposite entrance of the maze.

“Your strength will be pushed to its limit during this test! However, the Faydragon you fight for will ultimately decide which of you is the stronger! Now, young warriors, go forward to victory!”

A canon was fired, and Teryn’s feet were off so quickly, they hardly touched the ground. With a shing, her blade was drawn and readied as she rounded corner after corner of the enchanted labyrinth. The current Dragon Rider force of the kingdom – those who commanded the six Faydragons of Earth, Wind, Water, Thunder, Darkness and Light – had raised this maze in the palace courtyard and woven it with enchantments of elemental traps and creatures that spawned at random. The purpose was to test Teryn and Kilian’s strength and also to slow them in their search for the Faydragon that, somewhere within the earthen walls, was hidden from their sight, gauging their abilities, choosing its future Rider. Neither Teryn nor her rival knew the name or commanding element of this Faydragon, but it wasn’t like they had any desire to pick and choose.

Another corner was rounded, and Teryn came face to face with a deafening roar belonging to some gruesome Darkness elemental that nearly knocked her back into the nearest wall.

“OUT OF MY WAY!” she yelled, and with a single slash of her gleaming steel blade, the creature released an unearthly shriek of pain and dissolved into nothingness. Her first kill of the challenge. Teryn shivered with adrenaline and anticipation and resumed her advance forward – there was still more, much more, to come.

Combat was not new at all to this girl, coming from a knighting family with no male children; she had been expected to carry on the warrior legacy of her house and had been trained in the art of war since she was old enough to hold a dagger. Every elemental unfortunate enough to be in her path fell. The rush of battle was spreading through her body and sharpening her senses – her surroundings felt brighter and her nerves hyper-sensitive. In this state, she was confident she could stand up to anything and take anything down, and yet failed to notice the tendrils of frigid air creeping around her limbs until it was too late.

“Gah!” she cried, suddenly jerked to the ground and quickly realizing that she was unable to move. Upon looking down, she saw what was holding her down – thin trails of unnaturally strong ice, simply ice, anchored her to the dry grass. “What in the Great One’s name…” she growled, beginning to struggle against her strange bonds, but froze as still as a statue as she heard footsteps pattering in the distance. Not the footsteps of a monster…it was the sound of the soles of boots against the ground and a clear human stride.

A voice rang out as clear as day from her memory: “Please, twerp. What makes you think you’ll be able to make it as a knight – or even catch up with me? You’re a girl – you’ll never be stronger than the rest of us no matter how much you try.”

The sudden wave of rage at the very person running up the path towards her was all it took for her to muster the strength to break free and spring to her feet, but a moment too late. She was still in mid-crouch when a flash of olive skin and black hair nearly ran by her but skidded to a stop.

Kilian was a well-built sixteen-year-old boy and incredibly handsome, but however nice he may have looked, his contemptuous attitude ruined his entire being for Teryn. Even now, as he stood over her, barely worn out from the exertion of his own battles, that self-righteous smirk was plastered on his face.

“Need a lift, twerp?” he teased.

“Leave me be unless you want a blade in your gut,” she grumbled, her face beginning to burn.

With a presumptuous shrug, he turned away and set off down the path again. “Suit yourself. Best of luck, Teryn – you’re going to need it.”

As soon as she was sure Kilian was out of earshot, she pushed herself to her feet and let out a strangled scream of frustration. She took off in the direction opposite the path Kilian had taken, rabid anger almost making the world take on a red tint. How could she have allowed that dullard to make a fool of her like that?!

No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than did another trap spawn – this time, tendrils of ice were weaving together and creating a blockade down her intended path. Another cry of frustration tore past her throat as she tried to slash through the frozen gate, but apparently the enchanted frost couldn’t be cut by sharpened steel. She quickly whirled about to try and find another path. Since when had the Water Faydragon and her Rider been able to conjure up ice? This was certainly an inconvenient time to reveal the ability, Teryn thought.

The monsters seemed to be spawning at a much faster rate, this time bringing with them strange Ice elementals that somehow didn’t seem to be fully alive. Every other corner brought with it a new frigid trap or roadblock. Never before had Teryn fought this hard or this long – fighting that had once been simple for her now seemed more draining and complex as her frustration and hopelessness grew. Was Kilian facing the same trials she was right now? Surely he couldn’t be feeling the same fatigue she was – she had seen him fight off more than this before with no repercussions to speak of. Her chance was slipping away – he was winning.

And with that passing thought, the ice was back, this time tripping her off her feet and planting her sprawled across the hard ground and pinning her there. And that was the last straw – she was at her limit. No matter how hard she tried, how much she yelled at her muscles to move, she couldn’t muster up the will to break free. Desperation swallowed up her pride at last.

“You win!” Teryn screamed to the sky. “I give up! YOU’RE STRONGER!” He was stronger.

The blatantly true confession seemed to break something inside her, as if a great load was being lifted. It was over. She had given up and the Faydragon would choose Kilian. Not her. Being defeated by her rival was awful enough, but now it seemed to dim in comparison to everything else. What would her family say of her failure? Her noble peers would be able to put her down with reason now. And she thought of the other Riders and their Faydragons – how they spoke of their bond as the greatest friendship one could have – and realized that bond was now something that she would never possess. Tears of both anger and despair stung her eyes.

A strange chill crept into the air, bringing with it a comforting presence foreign to her throughout the previous ordeal. The air around her seemed to be darkening. She turned her head to look up and what she saw nearly made her gasp in wonder had she not been so fatigued.

A twinkling sphere of pale blue hung suspended in the air, seeming to draw all the light in the area to it – or perhaps it was simply the surrounding landscape darkening in comparison to its brilliance.

“You have gone through much to find me, little one.”

The ethereal voice was that of a young man’s, but reflected wisdom far beyond mere mortal comprehension.

“You’re the Faydragon,” she managed to whisper weakly.

“I am Azuré, the Faydragon of Ice.”

Teryn could do little more than stare in wonder. She felt her bonds melting away bit by bit, and soon she was pushing herself up onto her knees, but still continued to stare into the Faydragon’s spirit form.

“The Faydragon of Ice,” she whispered, understanding finally striking her. “It was you who kept slowing me down.”

“I did.”


“Kilian’s cruelty made him blind to my presence. It was your pride that hid me from you. Only through my humbling you into defeat could you be made worthy to become my Rider.”

Teryn barely even noticed that she was still staring like a dumbstruck fool at the immortal being. “Become…your Rider? Why me? I’m…weak.”

“We are all weak in at least one way, even I. While you may be weaker in body than your young adversary, weakness of the spirit is far more deadly. I see honor and bravery beneath your pride – if you choose to embrace that honor, I will accept you as my Bonded Rider.”

Teryn nodded, closing her eyes and bowing her head, a bit afraid and yet longing for what was to come.

All at once, the warm light delved into her chest and seemed to illuminate up her entire body, which felt as light as air – a surge of great power opening her mind to a presence that felt so foreign and yet so perfect. Years – no, centuries of wisdom, memories and emotions poured through her expanded awareness but she could not latch onto any of them. The power reached a peak which she could barely contain, and it was at that moment the warmth faded, although a remnant of the presence remained, an eternal part of her inner self.

“Rise, Lady Teryn, my Rider. May the Great One give us strength as we serve this kingdom.”

Teryn opened her eyes and rose to her feet, steady and stately, and cast her eyes upward. The labyrinth had vanished into mist, leaving her standing in the open palace courtyard, and there towering at least a story above her was a lanky and elegant dragon, gleaming with scales of ice blue and snow white in the deepening twilight. Slowly, with reverence and a strange air of companionship, the great beast spread his wings and lowered his head down to Teryn, where a large ice-blue gem shimmered upon his forehead. Teryn, now smiling genuinely for the first time in this ordeal, placed her hand upon Azuré’s head. It was then that she noticed the delicate ice-blue marks that now swirled up and about her wrist and arm from a gem similar to Azuré’s that rested on her right hand, one of the many marks that now adorned her as a symbol of one touched by the Faydragons. Azuré blinked his great blue eyes and gently pushed against Teryn’s palm in a sign of affection.

“You’re beautiful,” Teryn said.

“As are you,” Azuré responded in kind with a deep rumbling sound that almost resembled a feline’s purr.

The cheers of the royal court, the knights and the Riders, and the celebratory roars of the other six Faydragons now broke through Teryn and Azuré’s own little world, and they at last took notice of their surroundings. As Azuré roared to his Faydragon kin in return, Teryn looked around in bewilderment to see none other than Kilian Chandestroy approaching her and her new partner.

Contrary to her earlier belief, he appeared to be quite worn out, his black hair tangled and matted with sweat, and his body covered in scratch marks. The look in his eyes could be described as a few things – humiliation, defeat, disbelief – but in spite of that, his lips twitched up into a ghost of a genuine smile as he stood before her.

“Nice job, twerp,” he offered his congratulations in his own way, extending his hand.

Teryn gave him only a tiny smile, lightly vaulting up to take her place on Azuré’s back at the hollow between his shoulders. Now having to look down to see her former adversary, and with a soft laugh that clearly said, ‘I cannot believe what I’m about to do,’ she reached a hand downward to him.

“Need a lift?”

Monday, March 26, 2012

Fanfiction: "One Nation Under Anarchy" (Hetalia / Hunger Games)

(After seeing the Hunger Games movie effectively crushed my faith in humanity's innate morality, I wrote this on a whim...I would say I hope you enjoy, but it got me pretty darn depressed.)

He was America.

Rather, he had been America – before it happened.

Everything they had always taught – the earthquakes, floods, storms, fires, everything that had torn the world apart – all of it had happened. It truly had torn the world apart – torn all of them apart – torn the nations themselves apart. He had seen former enemies, allies, even his own brothers suffer and die in the primal chaos of apocalypse.

In the end, only his former citizens had survived and risen up again.

However, in the process, they had cast him aside – forgotten him completely – and, instead, had hailed a new nation. A nation that, in all honesty, reminded him more of his World War II enemy Italy's Roma Antiqua, Ancient Rome, another nation that had been lost in the vast abyss of forgotten history.

This nation was Rome now, but not Rome in his golden age – this nation was the savage Roman Empire.

He had seen the “saviors of civilization” come to power, seen them establish this nation “Panem”, seen them live like gods while their citizens slaved and starved – for their leisure. It made him sick.

How could his people have forgotten and abandoned him for this?

His hopes of one day being restored were crushed time and time again, one harder than ever after a terrible rebellion. He could feel the life of every fighting citizen being snuffed out as if they were still his own people – he almost couldn’t move for weeks after that, he remembered. Every chance he had to return, they ruined it. They knew how to keep a spark of hope contained, let it flare, and then snuff it out to start the vicious cycle all over again all too well.

He remembered the exact year, month, day, and hour when they had issued their “punishment” on the rebellious nation. Each year, twenty-four of their children would slaughter each other in a bloodbath treated as mere entertainment to them and their citizens.

The Games had begun. Really, it had all been a game from the beginning – a game of power, oppression, and death – and he could do nothing to stop it. His former people had enough hope to keep him alive – but not enough to bring him back.

No. He could only watch…watch as the ice of fear kept the sparks of hope from flaring once again.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fanfiction - "Fly Me Away" (DNAngel)

(I've been absolutely in LOVE with Dark for awhile now and just had to write this story! It's not expressly about anyone with Dark - only a "she" is mentioned and is nameless. So who's with him? Rika? Riku? Your OC? You? The only limit is your imagination! :3 Enjoy teh smexy fluff!)

The cool night breeze created by gliding motion through the sky kissed against the teenage girl’s tender skin and brought on a slight sense of insecurity, but it did not last long; she flew not alone.

She gazed up through tousled bangs into the beautiful face of the young man who cradled her in strong arms, the one who had swept her away from her bedroom as his entirely willing captive and taken her with him on his flight across the star-dusted field of night. Windswept dark purple hair and long parted bangs framed his face and fell before his forehead, but not so much as to obscure the deep violet orbs that had just moved from the air ahead to gaze back down at her. Adorning his chiseled back and keeping them aloft were two graceful black wings, reminiscent of those of a dark angel.

He smiled as he looked down into her eyes; the look in those amethyst orbs was mischievous and slightly seductive, yet loving, as the girl could easily discern. The soft material of his black jacket brushed against her cheek when he pulled her closer into his chest. The gentle, steady thump of his heartbeat soothed her, and she closed her eyes and nestled in to listen more closely. She almost didn’t notice the soft, moist pressure at her hairline that lingered for a brief moment, and only opened her eyes again when the sound of him whispering her name wrapped itself around her ears.

Suddenly pulled back into reality, she was also pulled flush against the young man’s chest, his warm breath washed over her skin, drawing a faint blush to her cheeks as a hand gently moved to cradle the back of her neck. Any and all thoughts that happened to have been going through her psyche at the time were instantly sent running for cover as her dark angel moved in and captured her lips with his.

Once she had scoffed at the girls in her high school class who swooned over this eighteen-year-old “delinquent”, calling their constant fantasies of him silly and unrealistic. Seeing her now, one could hardly believe that this was the same girl. From the moment the phantom thief had touched down on her bedroom balcony, enfolding her in an embrace of warm arms and sheltering wings, and proclaiming he was there to steal her heart, his job was done.
There was no need to steal her heart. It had been his from the beginning.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fanfiction Poetry: "The Dirge of Holy Rome" (Hetalia: Axis Powers)

(This was a Shakespearean sonnet I wrote for a Creative Writing assignment - we were supposed to write about love, and my current anime love at the moment was Hetalia, so I decided to write mine about the cutest shonen-ai couple in history - lol, history. It really is history ^^ Chibitalia x HRE. Enjoy the sad fluff!)

A powerful warrior, pride of the land,

And a pitiful servant, cowardly.

Two brought together by fate’s guiding hand,

Holy Rome and Italy were meant to be.

The empire admired the nation from afar,

His love remained hidden, innocent, pure.

But even he could not escape fame uncharred;

Love could not stay the cold clutches of war.

But Holy Rome had a confession to make:

“Since the Nine Hundreds, I’ve loved you,” he said.

When he was begged to stay, his heart did break,

But he offered a promise: “You’ll see me again.”

Despite the how long for him Italy yearned,

From that long battle, his love never returned.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fanfiction: "I'm Here" - Pokemon Platinum

(Hey, guys! ^^ I wrote this fanfic a while back after I first started playing Pokemon Platinum. The player character and rival's names are replaced with the ones I used in-game, so that's why their names aren't Dawn and Barry. This story certainly isn't my best work, but it's rather dear to me nonetheless. Enjoy the female player x male player fluffiness! :3)

Xandra was absolutely torn. In more ways than one.

The thirteen-year-old Pokemon Trainer was so overcome with conflicting emotions that it clouded her thinking as she made her way down the quiet hilly path to the Valor Lakefront from Sandgem Town. She had been eager to get out of Sandgem, not even stopping to chat with her best friend Hileriarai. Her Piplup, Bubbles, and baby Riolu, Ever, cheerfully skipped along beside her as Stella the Staravia flew overhead. It soothed Xandra a little to know that there were at least a few living beings in the world who were happy with life, unlike her.

At last she and her Pokemon reached Lake Valor. She sat down near the shore of the lake, wrapping her arms around her knees and looking out over the water. It was late afternoon, and the sun was much lower in the sky than when she had started out. Almost sunset, she thought. She had always liked coming to the lake this time of day whenever she had wanted to get away and just think for awhile. And she certainly had a lot to think about at this moment in time.

Why does this have to be so hard? When I started out on my journey, all I thought I had to do was to meet new Pokemon, battle Trainers, get stronger, defeat Gym Leaders, challenge the Elite Four, and maybe become Champion. It sounds so simple...but I guess I didn't really factor boy trouble into the mix.

She laughed weakly at the irony. She had started out from Twinleaf Town and gotten her first Pokemon with a boy, after all; it should have been the first thing to expect. Her thoughts drifted to that same over-energetic boy: Dalton, her childhood friend and current rival.

But then the image in her mind shifted to someone else: the blue-haired, dusky-eyed Trainer that had helped her out of so many binds over the course of her travels.


The sun was even lower in the sky now, and was beginning to dye the once blue veil that covered the Pokemon World brilliant orange and pink.

Why is it so hard to choose...?!

Bubbles, Ever, and Stella chased each other up and down the shore of the lake.

Xandra thought of Dalton. I mean, Dalton and I have been friends since we were little, and he knows me so well...

She thought of Lucas. But Lucas...he's helped me through so much...he's always been there for me.

Memories came rushing back to her.

"So, what of it?" Mars sneered. "Are you some lovey-dovey couple to the rescue?"

"Come on, Xandra, let's take 'em out!" Lucas said.

"Right!" Xandra agreed, fiercely determined.

"Oh, Xandra, wait up!" Lucas cried as he ran up to the blue-haired girl. He handed her five Poke` Balls. "Here. I want you to have these. Now you can start catching Pokemon right away!"

"Thank you, Lucas," Xandra smiled, Bubbles jumping into her arms.

"Hey, Xandra?" Lucas asked. "Is it maybe your birthday today?"

"Gee, I'm not sure," Xandra replied cheerfully. "It might be!"

"I thought so! Congratulations, Xandra! You know, I'm glad we're friends!"

Xandra felt tears sting her eyes, though she wasn't exactly sure which of the flashbacks were causing them. Perhaps it was just the overall emotional overload she was feeling right now. She wanted someone to think of her as more than a friend...she just didn't know who!

A sudden flash of red light appeared as her Espeon, Psilight, came out of its Poke` Ball of its own accord, having felt its Trainer's mental distress.

"Es?" the Espeon asked, looking up into Xandra's blue eyes with its light purple ones.

"Oh, Psilight!" Xandra sobbed, letting her tears go. "I don't know what I should do!" She buried her head into her knees and continued crying her heart out."I'm so confused..."

Psilight rubbed up against Xandra's side, trying to soothe the weeping girl. Bubbles and Ever had now abandoned their game of tag to join Psilight in attempting to comfort their Trainer. Very soon, Sparky, Xandra's Luxio, was woken from its evening nap in its Poke` Ball and also came out to see what all the commotion was.

Eventually, the four Pokemon managed to console Xandra a little, enough to reduce her heartbroken sobs to quiet hiccuping sighs. For a while, all was quiet.

Until the company of five heard approaching footsteps. The footsteps of a person that Xandra was longing and dreading to see.

"Xandra!" Lucas exclaimed as he burst through the trees to the lakefront. "I thought I'd find you here."

For a moment, Xandra couldn't say anything for fear that she would start crying again.

"Xandra? You okay?" Lucas' voice had taken on a much more concerned tone. Xandra heard him come up behind her.

"W-why are you here?" she whispered shakily.

"Hileriarai and I saw you back in Sandgem Town, but didn't get to talk to you. You seemed upset about something...I was worried. I wanted to make sure that you were alright..."

He followed me all the way from Sandgem town...because he was worried about me?

Xandra wasn't sure if this was enough to go by...

She felt Lucas place his hand on her shoulder, saying nothing.

Oh my...I really, really want to hold his hand...even if just for a second...

She didn't know where the thought came from, but suddenly, she thought of Dalton. A pang of guilt hit her--almost hard enough to cause physical pain. And definitely enough to get her tears flowing again.

Lucas noticed. He pulled Xandra up onto her feet, wrapping his arms around her waist in a gentle embrace. Xandra pressed her face into Lucas' shoulder, sobbing quietly.

"Shhh," Lucas attempted to comfort her, rubbing his hand up and down her back. "It's okay...I'm here..."

Bubbles, Ever, Stella, Psilight, and Sparky all stood to the side, watching the scene silently.

If before wasn't enough for Xandra to go by, then this was. Being with filled her with a sense of completion, fulfillment...something that she could never have felt with Dalton.

As Xandra's tears subsided, Lucas looked into her eyes for a minute, then softly kissed her forehead.When he pulled back, Xandra flung her arms around him.

I am definitely not confused anymore.

"Thank you, Lucas," she whispered.

"For what?"


The sun had almost vanished beyond the horizon, turning the sky from orange to deep purple and blue. But it didn’t feel like nightfall for Xandra and Lucas.

It was more like sunrise for them.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Daily Happenings: Aki and Ren's Plan for World Domination >:3

It started with a simple conversation between Ren and I in Biology II, and it's evolved into a full-fledged plan for an absolute dictatorship - um, I mean, utopian society! ;D

Here's how we plan to take over the world:

  1. We'll build a mini-city right in the middle of one of the cowfields where we live in the middle of nowhere. It's going to be TOTALLY high tech with a protective dome around it - think The Capitol meets Crystal Tokyo. Once it's built by means we're still pondering, we'll get people to relocate there by brainwashing - I mean advertising ;D
  2. As we grow in citizens, we'll slowly expand the city's borders until it engulfs the ENTIRE United States! Using my Pokemon HeartGold team and her Pokemon Sapphire team - which we will bring to life with Ren's cloning card technology - we will battle Congress into submission with our adorable Pokemanz >:3
  3. Eventually, the world leaders will become terrified of our overwhelming power and surrender to our awesomeness. No questions asked! Easy enough, ne? ^^
  4. We'll leave Japan mostly intact...we'll just raid the manga stores and kidnap the voice actors first >:D
Once the globe is under the control of us two otaku teenagers, we will rule as absolute dictators of our utopia with an advisory cabinet of the rest of our high school anime club. And instead of allowing the foolish capitalist activity of SELLING food, every day at high noon, the sky shall rain...


Yes, RAMEN. And I'm talking about the authentic stuff, not the twenty cent instant junk with no nutritional value ;) It will be like manna from Heaven! Only it's Japanese noodles, not bread wafery stuff, the Heaven is a high-tech ramen-producing superdome, and WE'RE the gods! >:D

Thus, the name of our new world order is THE HOLY RAMEN EMPIRE!

Yep, I totally stole your title there, Holy Rome. Sorry >:3

In other news, Hetalia FTW! Enjoy the pic of Holy Rome's epic failure ^^

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monumental Happennings: Vic Mignogna - My Sweet Sixteen Present

IchibanCon 2011, meaning Number One Convention in its translated form: an event where fans of Japanese animation and pop culture from all over the eastern united states congregated in Charlotte, North Carolina for a weekend filled with anime, cosplaying, panels, raves, contests, and celebrity guests. Three whole days where all of us geeks, freaks and weirdoes could share our interests and be ourselves for once without worrying about judgment from our peers. In a nutshell, this convention was an anime junkie’s paradise, and my friends Amaya, Ren and I (Aki) were smack in the middle of it. My mother had graciously offered to pay for our passage to this event as my sixteenth birthday present, and all three of us had been planning this single weekend trip for over four months. Now that we were finally here, our euphoria levels were maxed out and climbing, mine most of all. There was one celebrity guest here in particular that I was dying to meet, and I was fully prepared to wait for hours for a single chance to meet him.

As I stood in the line crowded with giggling girls and the occasional fidgeting male, I could feel my psyche growing weaker and weaker by the second. Someone could have poked me and I would’ve screamed from sheer nerves. My legs were shaking, I was pretty sure I was starting to sweat, and my fingers were constantly messing with my hair to make sure my parted bangs were even and my blue Orihime barrettes were still firmly in place. The last thing I wanted was to look bad in front of him.

Who’s him, you may ask? Only the most incredible man to ever walk the planet. Only the most amazing voice actor ever heard in anime, EVER. Only one of the most talented and least recognized singers and pianists in the music industry today. Only my number one role model for my future career in anime and my spiritual life as well.

Only Vic freaking Mignogna!


What if I looked stupid when it was my turn to get his autograph? What if he saw me as just another crazed teenage girl he has to put up with in this long signing session? What if I got up there and couldn’t say anything? What if I tripped and went flying into the table and accidentally detonated a bomb that would blow up the whole convention and I was the only one who survived and was forever branded as the girl who killed the Johnny Depp of the anime world?!

Well, okay, the last one wasn’t very likely to happen, but about the other ones, I was genuinely freaking out. In fact, I was so busy having a miniature mental breakdown that I didn’t even notice the line starting to move and Angelica go up to have her pictures of Ikkaku and Zero – Vic’s characters from the anime Bleach and Vampire Knight – signed. Once I did notice, however, I nearly screamed.

My stomach started to twist and turn somersaults, and I took a few deep breaths to steady myself, all the while clutching onto my DNAngel poster with fervor only a nervous fan could manage.

C’mon, Aki! It’s not like he’s the president or anything! All anyone ever says about him on the fan club forum is that he’s one of the nicest guys in the anime industry! You have nothing to be nervous about!

After that (failed) attempt at calming myself down, Amaya finally took her art (she didn’t ask for a hug or photo with him like most of the girls – WHY?! We’ll never know) and walked back over to my mom. It was my turn.

I forced myself to take a step and – there he was! I could have sworn I heard a chorus of angels begin to sing from above and shafts of heavenly light shone through the ceiling. I was so close to him...!

“Um, hi…” I stammered as I stepped forward. Vic looked up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes as I extended my hand. “It’s such an honor to finally meet – ”

WHACK! Something hit my upper chest and shoved me back a few inches. I looked over to see it was the woman who had been managing the line, holding an arm in front of me. Alright, what the heck was this all about?! It’s not like I was going to try and attack him or anything! She gave me a stern look that frightened me just enough to get me to look back at Vic’s familiar face.

“It’s fine,” Vic told her in a reassuring tone, and she let her arm drop. He looked back at me, shook my hand, and replied to my unfinished sentence, “It’s an honor to meet you.”

I bowed my head slightly, as I often do towards strangers that I want to show respect to, then handed him my rolled-up poster with a shaking hand. He unfurled it upon the table, and then smiled a bit.

“Oh, DNAngel?” he asked as he uncapped his Sharpie.

Come on, Aki! Say something meaningful! “I love how you portrayed Dark! He had so much personality!” “I feel the way you acted Dark was very true to his character!” Or even just, “Your acting in this series was awesome!” would work!

A bashful “Yeah…” was all I managed to croak out.

I watched every move of his hand as he signed his name and the character’s name over the printed image, then rolled it back up and handed it back to me with a heart-melting smile. “For you, sweetie!”

SWEETIE?! Did he just call me sweetie? Oh my GOD, he called me sweetie!

“Thank you,” I said, my face burning red and grinning from ear to ear.

Just as he was probably about to say “You’re welcome” who else should come bounding over but my mother – with a camera.

“Ooh, ooh, I need a close up!” she cried.

Vic laughed – OH, it was to hear an angel laugh! – and said, “Alright, c’mere!” He then proceeded to pull me around the table and grab me in a nearly suffocating hug.

My mind whirred, and I barely had time to wrap my arms around him and register how strong he was, or how good he smelled, or even that this was ACTUALLY HAPPENNING before the camera flashed and the tight embrace was broken. The “bye” and “thank you” exchange that apparently happened between Vic and I was a blur, as was the walk with my Mom back over to Amaya to wait for Ren to get her poster signed.

“My God, Aki, you look like you’re getting ready to faint or something!” Amaya observed.

“I think I am!” I began to sob.

And then we proceeded back up to the hotel room, where I cried from sheer joy off and on for about half an hour! :3

Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Blogger Power - Make UP! :3

Moshi moshi, everyone! ^^

Well, here it is - I'm finally venturing out into the bold world of blogging! Although most of you probably don't care, here's a little introduction to the girl behind the keyboard :)

My real name is Alexandra, but I go by Aki online. Although most people think I'm a nut for it, anime is my LIFE. If the anime industry ever went under, I'd probably off myself on the spot xD It's my first artistic love, my inspiration, my biggest fandom by far, and I love everything about it! I'm also a huge fan of Japanese culture - both traditional and modern. Hey, I'm not the founder and one of the two leaders of my high school's anime club for nothing~!

I hope to one day work in the anime industry, and am planning on going to college in a year or so for communications and Asian studies, along with taking some acting and vocal classes to brush up on my voice acting skills. As soon as I graduate, I'm off to NYC to build some experience in the advertising and public relations world before I hope to land a job at the company of the gods - FUNIMATION INC! :D

As for my personal interests, I enjoy anime and manga (but I'm sure you didn't know that xD), along with music, fantasy books and movies, and generally anything off-the-wall and not popular xD My sense of style is a bit dark and emo-ish, but I prefer to call it "Emo Kawaii" ^^ I spend dubious amounts of money on cosplays - I probably have as many Japanese costumes in my closet as normal clothes!

I am a proud Risembool Ranger, a part of the official fan club of Vic Mignogna, the most amazing American anime voice actor EVER~! Well, I'd say he's on par with the rest of the best, but I'm particularly fond of him for playing some of my favorite characters, making AMAZING music and having a dramatic impact on my life :) My Ranger name is the same as my screenname here - Black Rose Aki - so come check out the Rangers and drop me a message!

Well, that's about all I have to say here. I hope you enjoy your reading experience here!

Ja ne~! ^^