Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fanfiction: Never Again (Marvel's Thor)

To clarify: Marvel's Thor with smatterings of legit Norse mythology thrown in, hehehe >:3


"Aw, come now, brother, cheer up!  You have regained Mjolnir, have you not?"

"Even so, brother...the circumstances under which I did so are considerably less than desirable."

Loki had to fight to restrain his laughter, clapping Thor on the back as the brothers made their way back to the Bifrost site.  "Well, it was an adventure at the very least."

Thor grimaced as he looked down at the now-ripped and smudged wedding dress he wore.  "An adventure I do not ever care to repeat.  You should be the one to impersonate women from now on when the need arises."

"Perhaps I should," Loki chuckled.  "Tricking is what I do best, after all~"

Of course, Loki could have easily impersonated Freya - but was it really that bad to want to see his oh-so-manly big brother in a dress just once?

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