Monday, November 26, 2012

Original Poetry: Love

Eros is the moon,
At first appearing bright,
But waning as the ages wear on
Until its light is gone.

Philos is a star,
A constant guide,
A comfort through trial,
Best seen in the darkest times.

Agape is the sun,
Remaining constant and fixed,
An ever-shining hope and light
Though night may hide it from your sight.

The first cannot exist without the latter,
The second cannot exist without the third,
And the third is the source of all.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Daily Happennings: An Unlikely Return to the Twilight Fandom

Okay.  For the past two years, I've been on the "Twilight is stupid" bandwagon.  And in all honesty, it is kind of ridiculous as far as the probability of Edward and Bella's romance actually happening and writing style goes.  I've always loved the concept of the series, however - a new, interesting take on vampires and wolf shapeshifters, their biology, the construction of this secret supernatural world coexisting with humans, the supporting characters' history and how they meshed together - but I've been too afraid to voice it for so long, for fear of getting blasted by fans of "real" vampires.

(Speaking of "real" vampires, reality check - VAMPIRES AREN'T REAL.  There is no magic formula for a "real" fictional vampire - the Twilight vampires aren't real, the Vampire Knight vampires aren't real, neither are Tru Blood, Hellsing, or Anne Rice vampires, not even the Dracula concept of vampires.  The possibilities are endless.  Just because an author's take on vampires is a little different than YOUR take on vampires doesn't make their concept less credible than any other.)

Anyhow, I just saw Breaking Dawn Part 2 today - it was an amazingly made film, by the way - and suddenly, my fondness for the Twilight Saga returned.  The series that brought me through my adolescence is over.  The first Twilight film came out when I was in eighth grade, and I still remember being so excited and going to see it numerous times with a very good friend.  New Moon came out my freshman year, and defined my Thanksgiving plans for that year and is associated with rather fond memories.  I saw Eclipse no less than five times the summer before my sophomore year began with (in this order) my best friend, my dad, my mom and aunt, my old crush, and by myself!  By the time Breaking Dawn Part 1 came out, the Twi-naysayers had left their mark on my psyche, and I grudgingly went to see it with my mother and aunt, and haven't touched the DVD they bought me of it until a few days ago.

I have so many memories of the Twilight Saga - my contracting of "Obsessive Cullen Disorder", flip-flopping between Team Edward and Team Jacob before finally settling on Team Jasper, imagining what it would be like to be powerful and beautiful like Alice or Rosalie, even cosplaying as Jane for Halloween my freshman year.  Though I may not revere it as the fandom to end all fandoms now, it will always hold a special place in my heart, and Breaking Dawn Part 2 reminded me of that.

I pulled out my old Cullen crest locket for the first time in two years today - from now on I'll wear it with pride! :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ramblings: A Slight Tirade of Exasperation With Myself

The one talent I do seem to have (playing music), I don't even enjoy that much any longer for a reason - a living one, and a very overbearing and critical one at that.

The one talent that I have AND enjoy (writing), I'm losing my inspiration for.

The talents that I don't have (a lot of things), I'm told I should have or feel like I should have.

The one thing I want to do with my life (communications), I don't feel like I have much talent for.

Well...thank God I'm pretty, I suppose.